The quick definition of Case Management: the coordination of services on behalf of a particular party. In the case of RENEW, that particular party is a client and we've got more than a hundred that we serve.
It doesn't end there though because, while we coordinate services for the client, we are also certainly answerable to others including parents/guardians and, of course, government agencies that regulate us and provide us with funding.
You can quickly see that RENEW would not be RENEW without this all important link of client to their services.
If there's any one word description of what our Case Manager is... it would be an advocate. That advocate works closely with client and parent/guardian to ensure that we might make that person's life as fulfilling as possible.
What are the client's residential needs? health needs? What support might we provide in terms of supported employment in the community? And making sure that person is involved in the community as much as possible.
What might we provide at our Service Centers? Job training, sure, but what about art class, gardening, computer skills? If there's an interest and a need, we should be able to provide it.
Case Management obviously plays a vital role in our Mission Statement: Empowering Persons with disABILITIES and their Families to Live, Love, Learn, Work and Play.